Meetings of the Lodge:

STATED MEETINGS:  The Lodge holds several business meetings and Lodges of Light at 7:00 PM on select Third Thursdays throughout the year. Contact the Secretary about upcoming meetings.

DRESS:  There is no minimum dress standard required for attending a St. Alban's meeting or dinner. Members of the Lodge traditionally dress in black tie (tuxedo). Most visitors find that they are more comfortable dressing in black tie, dark suit, or sport coat & tie.

FESTIVE BOARD:  A quarterly "Lodge of Light" (Oct, Jan and Apr) is followed by a formal Festive Board dinner. Dinner begins at 8:30 PM and is held at a local hotel, where a private dining room can be reserved. The table is always arranged in the traditional U-shape, with the Worshipful Master presiding at the head, assisted by the Wardens seated on the two columns. Dinner is always followed by a 20-30 minute program about the history, symbolism and philosophy of Freemasonry.

RESERVATIONS:  Regular Master Masons wishing to attend a Festive Board dinner, must make reservations with the Secretary and Stewards no later than one week prior to the meeting.

AFTER-PROCEEDINGS:  Most meetings and dinners are followed by informal gatherings, where the members and guests may enjoy refreshments, cigars and stimulating conversation. 

About St. Alban's Lodge:

St. Alban's Lodge is a traditional best practices lodge of observant Freemasons, the members of which strive to adhere to a strict interpretation of the ten Principles of Traditional Freemasonry. These are:  Ritual Excellence, Masonic Education, The Festive Board, Charitable Outreach, Elegance of Dress while at Masonic Labor, Exclusivity, Commitment, Lodge Decorum, Appropriate Fees and Dues, and Social Events.

St. Alban's Lodge was organized and chartered in 1992 for the purpose of providing a lodge that practices Freemasonry in its most observant and traditional forms, striving to adhere to the ancient landmarks of the craft.


Location and Contact Information:

LOCATION:  Brazos Valley Masonic Library & Museum 

     3411 Longmire Drive, College Station, Texas.

Mailing Address: PO Box 10361; College Station TX 77842

UPS & FedEX:  918 Grand Oaks; College Station TX 77840

Secretary's Email Address:

Secretary's Telephone:  (979) 696-7334 or (979) 777-5939

What is Freemasonry?  "Freemasonry is an oath-bound fraternal order of men, which originated among the medieval stonemasons of Europe; adhering to their Ancient Charges, laws, customs, usages and legends; loyal to the civil government under which it exists; inculcating moral and social virtues by symbolic application of the working tools of the stonemasons and by allegories, lectures and charges; the members of which are obligated to observe principles of brotherly love, equality, tolerance, mutual assistance, secrecy and confidence; have secret modes of recognizing one another as Freemasons when abroad in the world; and meet in lodges, each governed by a Master, assisted by Wardens, where petitioners, after particular enquiry into their mental, moral and physical qualifications, are formally admitted into the Society in secret ceremonies based in part on old legends of the Craft."  -- Definition of Freemasonry, from Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia

3411 Longmire Drive PO Box 10361, College Station, Texas | 979-696-7334

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